%0 Journal Article %T Inventio sancti Stephani protomartiris. Note in margine all'ufficio %A Laura Albiero %J Scrineum Rivista %D 2012 %I Firenze University Press %X This study examins the case of Vaticanus Reg. lat. 1553, which gives us, as later marginal addictions, an unknown office for the feast of st. StephenĄ¯s Invention (3rd of august). This office is compared with those in two others antiphonaries, from Worcester and Rouen, which share some chants with Reg. lat. 1553, and literary sources of the text are analyzed, in their different traditions. %K musical-liturgical manuscripts %K Gregorian chant Como %K liturgy Stephanus protomartyr %U http://www.fupress.net/index.php/scrineum/article/view/12153