%0 Journal Article %T Conocimientos sobre salud bucodental y evaluaci車n de higiene oral antes y despu谷s de una intervenci車n educativa en ni os de 9-10 a os Oral health knowledge and tooth brushing quality before and after an educational intervention in children aged 9 and 10 %A R. Bosch Robaina %A M. Rubio Alonso %A F. Garc赤a Hoyos %J Avances en Odontoestomatolog赤a %D 2012 %I Ediciones Avances M谷dico Dentales, S.L. %X Introducci車n: La salud bucodental infantil es un objetivo de primer orden en el contexto de las pol赤ticas de salud p迆blica. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los conocimientos sobre salud bucodental y nivel de higiene oral antes y despu谷s de una intervenci車n educativa. Material y m谷todos: Se incluyeron en el estudio 50 ni os de 9-10 a os de edad. Los escolares realizaron una encuesta sobre conocimientos acerca de la salud bucodental antesy despu谷s de la intervenci車n educativa que consisti車 en tres charlas participativas en grupos de 25 ni os. Se evalu車 el 赤ndice de placa de O'Leary antes y despu谷s de la intervenci車n educativa. Resultados: En la encuesta realizada antes de la intervenci車n el 78% contestaron que sab赤an en qu谷 consiste la caries y c車mo prevenirla. En cambio el 60% contest車 que s車lo hab赤a que acudir al dentista cuando hubiera alg迆n problema bucal. Antes de la intervenci車n educativa, el 80% de los ni os ten赤an un 赤ndice de O'Leary superior al 20%. Se obtuvieron cambios significativos en cuanto a conocimientos de salud bucal as赤 como en la calidad del cepillado despu谷s de la intervenci車n educativa. Conclusiones: Los conocimientos de los ni os sobre salud bucodental as赤 como la calidad del cepillado dental mejoraron significativamente despu谷s de la intervenci車n educativa. Introduction: Children's oral health is an essential target for public health policies. The aim of this study is to analyze the oral health knowledge and the quality of oral hygiene before and after an educational intervention. Material and Methods: Primary school fifty children aged 9 and 10 were included in the study. They conducted a survey on oral health before and after an intervention including three educational workshops. Oral hygiene O'Leary index was evaluated before and after the intervention. Results: In the survey conducted before the intervention, 78% said they knew what tooth decay was and how they could prevent it. In contrast, 60% answered that they only had to go to the dentist just when an oral problem appeared. Before the educational intervention, 80% of children had an O'Leary index above 20%. After the educational intervention, significant changes were obtained for knowledge about oral health and the quality of brushing. Conclusions: The children knowledge about oral health and the quality of tooth brushing improved significantly after the educational intervention. %K Salud bucodental %K ni os %K intervenci車n educativa %K Oral health %K children %K educational intervention %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0213-12852012000100003