%0 Journal Article %T Tumor odontog¨¦nico queratoqu¨ªstico: Hallazgo radiogr¨¢fico y resoluci¨®n quir¨²rgica de un caso cl¨ªnico Keratocystic odontogenic tumor: Radiographic findings and surgical management of a clinical case %A J. V¨¢zquez Diego %A C. Gandini Pablo %A Mar¨ªa J. Ram¨ªrez %A Jos¨¦ N. Ibero %J Avances en Odontoestomatolog¨ªa %D 2012 %I Ediciones Avances M¨¦dico Dentales, S.L. %X Se presenta un caso cl¨ªnico de queratoquiste odontog¨¦nico. El paciente de 26 a os de edad es de sexo femenino. Se utilizan las t¨¦cnicas radiol¨®gicas intrabucales y extrabucales para localizar y diagnosticar presuntivamente dicha patolog¨ªa. Posteriormente se realiza la biopsia que corrobora el diagn¨®stico presuntivo y se realiz¨® intervenci¨®n quir¨²rgica en la que se lleva a cabo la enucleaci¨®n del tumor. Se realizaron los controles peri¨®dicos a corto, mediano y largo plazo en el que no se constat¨® ninguna recidiva de la lesi¨®n. Basado en lo expuesto se analiza al tumor odontog¨¦nico queratoqu¨ªstico seg¨²n ubicaci¨®n, sexo, edad y maxilar; habiendo realizado una revisi¨®n de la literatura. We present a clinical case of odontogenic keratocyst in a 26-year-old female patient. Both extraroal and intraoral radiographic techniques were used with the purpose of locating and attempt a presumptive diagnosis of this pathology. A biopsy was performed, confirming our earlier diagnostic presumption and then, surgical intervention was carried out, with the complete enucleation of the tumor. Short-, mid- and long-term controls were also performed, not showing any signs of a possible recurrence of the lesion. Based on our findings, we study the keratocystic odontogenic tumor according to location, gender, age and jaw affected, after reviewing the current literature on this issue. %K Tumor odontog¨¦nico queratoqu¨ªstico %K t¨¦cnicas radiol¨®gicas %K diagn¨®stico %K tratamiento quir¨²rgico %K caso cl¨ªnico %K Keratocystic odontogenic tumor %K radiographic techniques %K diagnosis %K surgical treatment %K clinical case %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0213-12852012000500005