%0 Journal Article %T Shaping or shaking the learning network? Insights into teaching practices using Virtual Learning Environments %A Laurence Habib %A Monica Johannesen %J Seminar.net %D 2007 %I Lillehammer University College %X This article carries out an analysis of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) in an institution of Higher Education using Actor Network Theory (ANT). The ANT perspective is used to help explore the complex processes that come into play when a VLE is introduced in an organisation, especially as pedagogical goals, administrative procedures and technological artefacts are interwoven in a heterogeneous web or ˇ°networkˇ±. The article identifies new actors that emerge in the traditional teacher-student, teacher-teacher and student-student relationships as a result of the presence and active usage of the VLE. It also describes how already existing actors may change roles or status in connection with VLE use. %K Actor-network theory %K Virtual Learning Environments %K teaching practice %U http://www.seminar.net/current-issue/shaping-or-shaking-the-learning-network