%0 Journal Article %T Valorizaci¨®n de un residuo proveniente de la industria de galvanizado en caliente mediante la s¨ªntesis hidrometal¨²rgica de sales de zinc %A Julio Andr¨¦s Casal-Ramos %A Jos¨¦ Ram¨®n Dom¨ªnguez %A Pedro Delvasto %J Avances en Qu¨ªmica %D 2011 %I Universidad de los Andes %X The possibility of adding value to a residual dust from hot-dip galvanizing process was explored, through the synthesis of potentially marketable organic zinc salts. The valorization process started by dissolving the residue in HCl, citric acid was then added and zinc salts were finally precipitated by the addition of NaOH. In another experiment, absolute ethanol was added as a modifying agent. In both cases, the products were fine white powders which were characterized by pycnometry, atomic spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, x¨Cray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. In the synthesized products, the following phases were identified: Zn(C2H3O2)2.2H2O, Na3C6H5O7.2H2O and NaCl %K hot-dip galvanizing %K industrial wastes %K organic salts of zinc %K valorization %U www.saber.ula.ve/bitstream/123456789/33828/1/articulo5.pdf