%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯ange de l¡¯Annonciation, chef de ch ur dans Il Vangelo secondo Matteo de Pasolini %A Sandra Gorgievski %J Babel : Litt¨¦ratures Plurielles %D 2012 %I Universit¨¦ du Sud Toulon-Var %X M¨¦diateur par excellence entre le divin et le terrestre, l¡¯ange ¨C et l¡¯¨¦pisode biblique de l¡¯Annonciation en particulier, stimulent l¡¯imaginaire contemporain, le myst¨¨re de l¡¯incarnation ne pouvant ¨ºtre repr¨¦sent¨¦ mais figur¨¦. S¡¯appuyant sur le monde de r¨¦f¨¦rences du spectateur ¨C des textes source aux th¨¨mes iconographiques m¨¦di¨¦vaux et renaissants (par exemple Giotto, Fra Angelico, Limbourg, del Cossa, Crivelli, della Francesca), L¡¯¨¦vangile selon saint Matthieu de Pasolini a principalement recours au son. De la musique sacr¨¦e (Bach, Misa Luba, Negro Spiritual) et profane (Mozart, Prokofiev, Blind Willie Johnson) aux ch urs qui fonctionnent comme des voix over, le film fait ¡®entendre¡¯ la pr¨¦sence ang¨¦lique au spectateur. L¡¯hybridit¨¦ m¨ºme des codes cin¨¦matographiques interroge le statut de l¡¯image, tout en ¨¦voquant la pr¨¦sence immanente de l¡¯ange ¨Cm¨¦taphore de l¡¯indicible et l¡¯inintelligible. Arch-mediator between the divine and the mundane, the angelic icon - and the Biblical episode of the Annunciation in particular - stimulate the contemporary imagination, as the mystery of the incarnation itself cannot be represented, but rather figured. Relying on the viewer¡¯s world of references ¨C from Biblical texts to Medieval and Renaissance iconography (Giotto, Fra Angelico, Limbourg, del Cossa, Crivelli, della Francesca among others), Pasolini also extensively resorts to sound in his Gospel According to St. Matthew. The film seeks to allow the viewer ¡®hear¡¯ angels, from sacred music (Bach, Misa Luba, Negro Spiritual), profane music (Mozart, Prokofiev, Blind Willie Johnson) to choirs used as voice over. Hybrid cinematic devices question the status of images while they evoke the immanent presence of angels ¨C metaphorically the unspeakable and unintelligible. %K Annunciation %K Gospel According to St. Matthew %K voice over %K angel %K sacred music %K Renaissance painting %K ange %K Annonciation %K ¨¦vangile selon saint Matthieu %K voix over %K musique sacr¨¦e %K peinture de la Renaissance %K Pasolini (Pier Paolo) %U http://babel.revues.org/192