%0 Journal Article %T Monte Carlo simulations of crystalline organic semiconductors %A Mladenovi£¿ Marko %A Stankovi£¿ Igor %J Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering %D 2013 %I Technical Faculty of ?a?ak %R 10.2298/sjee1301125m %X Molecular model for crystalline organic semiconductors based on small molecules is implemented in three-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations. In this paper results for naphthalene are presented. Molecular structure is considered in two configurations: within a single monocrystal and in vicinity of interface between two monocrystals with different crystalline orientations. %K organic semiconductors %K Monte Carlo algorithm %K polycrystal %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1451-4869/2013/1451-48691301125M.pdf