%0 Journal Article %T Osmanl Merkezi Y netimine Ta ran n Direni i: At al Kel Mehmed Ayaklanmas - Resistance of Provinces against the Ottoman Central Administration: At al Kel Mehmed¡¯s Revolt %A Mehmet BA£¿ARAN %A Aysun Sar£¿bey HAYKIRAN %J Bal£¿kesir ¨¹niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi %D 2009 %I Balikesir University %X ZArast rman n Temelleri: XIX. y¨¹zy l arsiv kaynaklar na ve d nemin vak¡¯an¨¹vis tarihleriyleseyahatnamelerine yans yan At al Kel Mehmed Ayaklanmas .Amac : Osmanl merkezi y netimine tasran n direnisini Ayd n¡¯da sosyal esk yal g n tipik bir rnegi olan At al Kel Mehmed Ayaklanmas rneginde incelemek.Veri Kaynag : Basbakanl k Osmanl Arsivi Hatt- H¨¹mayun Tasnifi Belgeleri ve Bas l Kaynaklar.Ana Tart sma: Bir zeybegin liderliginde ger eklesen ve sosyal esk yal g n bir rneginiolusturan At al Kel Mehmed ve onun yaratt g ayaklanma merkezi y netim taraf ndan nas lalg land ? Ayr ca bu ayaklanman n Ayd n¡¯daki ayanl k sistemi ¨¹zerinde ne gibi etkileri oldu?Sonu : At al Kel Mehmed ayaklanmas n n yaratt g d¨¹s¨¹nceler Tanzimat Ferman ¡¯na rnekteskil etmekle birlikte yerel alanda ayan sisteminin ge ici de olsa yeniden g¨¹ lenmesini olas k lm st r.Anahtar Kelimeler, Osmanl mparatorlugu, Ayd n, Esk ya, Efe, Zeybek, At al Kel MehmedABSTRACTBases of Research: Reflection of the At al Kel Mehmed¡¯s Revolt in the archieve documentsand in the period's itineraries of XIXth Century.Aim: To investigate urban revolt against Ottoman central administration through At ali KelMehmed¡¯s Revolt this is a typical example of social one.Resources of Data: Prime Ministry Ottoman Archieve of Hatt- Humayun documents andpublished sources.Main Discussion: How was the At al Kel Mehmed¡¯s Revolt, an example of a social rebellionin the leadership of a zeibec, viewed by central administration? And what effects had this one on thesystem of landed proprietorship in Aydin?Conclusion: Ideas which were caused by the At al Kel Mehmet¡¯s Revolt was an example tothe Tanzimat Ferman , moreover it helped landed proprietor system in local system to get morepowerful.Key Words: Ottoman Empire, Aydin, Eskidja, Efe, Zeibec, At al Kel Mehmed %K Ottoman Empire %K Aydin %K Eskidja %K Efe %K Zeibec %K At al Kel Mehmed %U http://sbe.balikesir.edu.tr/dergi/edergi/c12s22/makale/c12s22m11.pdf