%0 Journal Article %T Liberal and conservative political thought in nineteenth-century Serbia Vladimir Jovanovi and Slobodan Jovanovi %A Milosavljevi£¿ Boris %J Balcanica %D 2010 %I Institute for Balkan Studies, SASA, Belgrade, Serbia %R 10.2298/balc1041131m %X Two very influential political philosophers and politicians, Vladimir Jovanovi and Slobodan Jovanovi , differed considerably in political theory. The father, Vladimir, offered an Enlightenment-inspired rationalist critique of the traditional values underpinning his upbringing. The son, Slobodan, having had a non-traditional, liberal upbringing, gradually-through analyzing and criticizing the epoch¡¯s prevail-ing ideas, scientism, positivism and materialism-came up with his own synthesis of traditional and liberal, state and liberty, general and individual. Unlike Vladimir Jovanovi , who advocated popular sovereignty, central to the political thought of his son Slobodan was the concept of the state. On the other hand, Slobodan shared his father¡¯s conviction that a bicameral system was a prerequisite for the protection of individual liberties and for good governance. Political views based on different political philosophies decisively influenced different understandings of parliamentarianism in nineteenth-century Serbia, which in turn had a direct impact on the domestic political scene and the manner of government. %K political philosophy %K state %K liberalism %K tradition %K parliamentary system %K bicameralism %K political prejudice %K morality %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0350-7653/2010/0350-76531041131M.pdf