%0 Journal Article %T Eficiencia de acumulaci¨®n de Fe, Cu, Zn y Se en lombriz de tierra (Eisenia fetida) como base para la elaboraci¨®n de un suplemento nutricional con oligoelementos %A Lu¨¦-Mer¨² Marc¨® P %A Lisbeth Materano %A Danbel Verde %A Jos¨¦ Adolfo Moreno %J Avances en Qu¨ªmica %D 2012 %I Universidad de los Andes %X It has been determined the bioaccumulation of Cu, Fe, Zn and Se, in the tissue of earthworms to evaluate the possibility of use as a nutritional supplement. Was analyzed a vermicompost enriched substrate (control and three doses of each element). We studied the effect on growth, mortality and tissue concentrations. Significant differences were found for copper control, However, tissue concentrations for all groups are high compared to some foods from the diet is an alternative to replace and compensate for the deficiency of these trace elements. %K Micronutrients %K Supplement %K Bioaccumulation %K Eisenia fetida %K Spectrophotometry %U http://www.saber.ula.ve/bitstream/123456789/35283/1/articulo4.pdf