%0 Journal Article %T Cognitive Science, Moral Responsibility And The Self %A Stefano Cossara %J The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication %D 2012 %I New Prairie Press %X In their ¡°Free Will and the Bounds of the Self¡±, Knobe and Nichols try to get at the root of the discomfort that people feel when confronted with the picture of the mind that characterizes contemporary cognitive science in order to establish whether such discomfort is warranted or not. Their conclusion is that people¡¯s puzzlement cannot be dismissed as a product of confusion, for it stems from some fundamental aspects of their conception of the self. In this paper I suggest, contrary to their conclusion, that there is a sense in which the skeptical worries about responsibility elicited by the computer model of the mind do result from confusion. Those worries can be traced back to an irrational over-generalization concerning the scope of cognitive science and the alleged exhaustiveness of the range of facts formulated in its vocabulary. %U http://dx.doi.org/10.4148/biyclc.v7i0.1774