%0 Journal Article %T A solution for automatic parallelization of sequential assembly code %A Kova£¿evi£¿ £¿or£¿e %A Stanojevi£¿ Mladen %A Marinkovi£¿ Vladimir %A Popovi£¿ Miroslav %J Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering %D 2013 %I Technical Faculty of ?a?ak %R 10.2298/sjee1301091k %X Since modern multicore processors can execute existing sequential programs only on a single core, there is a strong need for automatic parallelization of program code. Relying on existing algorithms, this paper describes one new software solution tool for parallelization of sequential assembly code. The main goal of this paper is to develop the parallelizator which reads sequential assembler code and at the output provides parallelized code for MIPS processor with multiple cores. The idea is the following: the parser translates assembler input file to program objects suitable for further processing. After that the static single assignment is done. Based on the data flow graph, the parallelization algorithm separates instructions on different cores. Once sequential code is parallelized by the parallelization algorithm, registers are allocated with the algorithm for linear allocation, and the result at the end of the program is distributed assembler code on each of the cores. In the paper we evaluate the speedup of the matrix multiplication example, which was processed by the parallelizator of assembly code. The result is almost linear speedup of code execution, which increases with the number of cores. The speed up on the two cores is 1.99, while on 16 cores the speed up is 13.88. %K MIPS %K compiler %K assembler %K parser %K SSA form %K Data flow graph %K METIS %K linear scan register allocation %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1451-4869/2013/1451-48691301091K.pdf