%0 Journal Article %T A o Popular Ambiental e Cidadania Solid¨¢ria: a participa o da popula o na gest o sustent¨¢vel do meio ambiente e o modelo te¨®rico do estado de direito ambiental %A Jana¨ªna Rigo Santin %A Tha¨ªs Dalla Corte %J Sequ¨ºncia : Estudos Juridicos e Politicos %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina %X The environment is essential for life.However, the model of human exploration,mainly for economic reasons, is predatory.More and more, the ecological crisis and thesocial risks are growing. In this sense, the environmentalprotections can not be evidencedas exclusive task of the state. The citizen musteffectively participate in environmental preservation,inclusively through judicial instruments.Therefore, the Popular Environmental Actionis an important mechanism of defense of diffusesinterests. Although, the environmentalcitizenship is insipient. With the objective of promotingenvironmental awareness and dialoguebetween generations, through solidarity values,this study discusses the theoretical model of the Environmental Rule of Law and the integratedenvironment. Thus, this research intent toanalyze the Popular Environmental Action andthe solidarity support of the EnvironmentalRule of Law, looking for the effects of the judicialparticipation of the population in the environmentalmanagement. The methodology is bibliographic, descriptive and exploratory.O meio ambiente ¨¦ essencial para avida. Entretanto, o modelo de explora o humano,mormente por raz es econ micas, ¨¦ predat¨®rio.Cada vez mais, a crise ecol¨®gica e osriscos sociais agravam-se. Nesse sentido, a tutelaambiental n o pode ser evidenciada comotarefa exclusiva do Estado. O cidad o deveefetivamente participar na prote o do ambiente,inclusive por interm¨¦dio de instrumentosjudiciais. Logo, a A o Popular Ambientalapresenta-se como um importante mecanismode defesa dos interesses difusos. Contudo, acidadania ambiental ainda ¨¦ incipiente. Como escopo de promo o da consci¨ºncia ambientale do di¨¢logo entre as gera es, por meio devalores solid¨¢rios, discute-se o modelo te¨®rico do Estado de Direito Ambiental e o meio ambiente integrativo. Assim, visa-se estudar aA o Popular Ambiental e a matriz solid¨¢riado Estado Ambiental, verificando os seus reflexosna participa o judicial da popula o nagest o sustent¨¢vel do ambiente. %K Participation %K Environmental Rule of Law %K Popular Environmental Action %K Popular Participation. Environmental A o Popular Ambiental %K Participa o Popular %K Estado de Direito Ambiental %U http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/sequencia/article/view/2177-7055.2011v32n63p235/20646