%0 Journal Article %T Teacher training in higher education: The case of teachers of medicine %A Patr¨ªcia Rosado Pinto %J S¨ªsifo : Educational Sciences Journal %D 2008 %I %X This paper addresses the subject of teacher training in higher education, and more specifically the training of teachers of medicine. It starts by establishing a theoretical articulation between the fields of medical education and teacher training at the higher education level.Reference is made to the teaching component of academic activity, and to the importance which should be attached to this component, in terms both of progression in teaching careers and of training. The author examines the characteristics of the teaching activity of medical teachers and describes the training programme of the teaching staff at the Faculdade de Ci¨ºncias M¨¦dicas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.From the conclusions drawn by the author, there emerge issues of leadership, involvement and participation by teachers in their own training, creation of programmes for professional development, and the existence in institutions of structures specifically designed for purposes of training, with an emphasis on the contribution of educational science specialists working within these structures. %K Higher Education %K Medical education %K Teacher training %K Teachers of medicine %U http://sisifo.fpce.ul.pt/?r=20&p=107