%0 Journal Article %T Provable Partial Key Escrow %A Kooshiar Azimian %A Javad Mohajeri %A Mahmoud Salmasizadeh %A Samuel S. Wagstaff %A Jr. %J International Journal of Network Security %D 2010 %I Femto Technique %X In this paper we first propose two new concepts concerning the notion of key escrow schemes: provable partiality and independence. Roughly speaking, a scheme has provable partiality if the existence of a polynomial time for recovering the secret from escrowed information implies there is a polynomial time algorithm for solving a well known intractable problem. A scheme is independent if the secret key and the escrowed information are independent. Finally, we propose a new verifiable partial key escrow scheme, based on McCurley's encryption scheme, satisfying both of the above criteria. %K Computational complexity %K discrete logarithm problem %K integer factoring %K key escrow %K public key cryptography %U http://ijns.femto.com.tw/download_paper.jsp?PaperID=IJNS-2006-01-25-1&PaperName=ijns-v10-n2/ijns-2010-v10-n2-p153-156.pdf