%0 Journal Article %T Experience in the analysis of mortality in pediatric acute leukemia at the National Cancer Institute Experiencia en el an¨¢lisis de la mortalidad por leucemia aguda pedi¨¢trica en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerolog¨ªa %A Anyul Milena Vera %A Constanza Pardo %A Mar¨ªa Cristina Duarte %A Amaranto Su¨¢rez %J Biom¨¦dica %D 2012 %I Instituto Nacional de Salud %X Introduction. Mortality rate by childhood acute leukemia is an indicator of access and effectivity of health services. Analysis of this indicator allows the identification of factors contributing to the development of the illness and the final condition of affected children. Objective. To describe the operative experience results obtained by committee of analysis of institutional mortality by childhood acute leukaemia. Materials and methods. A descriptive analysis of deaths by acute lymphoblastic or myeloid leukaemia reported in children under 15 was carried out at the National Cancer Institute-Colombia, 2008-2010. Avoidability analysis was performed using the "three delays" model developed by Thaddeus and Maine (1994). Results. Out of 24 deaths analysed 87.5% were caused by acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The median age was 9.54 years. The delay 3 was identified in 83% of the cases and transfers during treatment were the most common limitation (66.7%). 83.3% of deaths were deemed unavoidable given the clinical conditions of the patients. Conclusions. This is the first experience in mortality analysis by a chronic event in childhood population both, at the National Cancer Institute and in the country as a whole. Even though the delays identified did not condition mortality in a direct way, they did nonetheless constitute the basis for suggested improvements that might influence the quality of attention to children with cancer. Introducci¨®n. La mortalidad por leucemia aguda pedi¨¢trica es un indicador trazador del acceso y efectividad de la atenci¨®n en salud; el an¨¢lisis de ¨¦ste evento permite identificar los factores involucrados en el proceso de la enfermedad que pueden influir en la condici¨®n final de los ni os. Objetivo. Describir la experiencia operativa y los resultados obtenidos en los comit¨¦s de an¨¢lisis institucional de la mortalidad por leucemia aguda pedi¨¢trica. Materiales y m¨¦todos. Se realiz¨® un an¨¢lisis descriptivo de las muertes por leucemia linfoide o mieloide aguda ocurridas en los ni os menores de 15 a os, en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerolog¨ªa, 2008-2010. Se realiz¨® el an¨¢lisis de evitabilidad con el modelo de las tres demoras propuesto por Thaddeus y Maine. Resultados. Se analizaron 24 defunciones. El 87,5% fueron a causa de leucemia linfoide aguda. La mediana de edad fue de 10,5 a os. Se identific¨® que la demora 3 ocurri¨® en el 83% de los casos analizados y que los traslados durante el tratamiento fue la limitaci¨®n m¨¢s com¨²n (66,7%). El 83,3% de las muertes se consideraron no evitables dadas las condiciones cl¨ªnicas de la enfermedad. %U http://www.revistabiomedica.org/index.php/biomedica/article/view/691