%0 Journal Article %T Malaria mortality in Colombia, 1979-2008 Mortalidad por paludismo en Colombia, 1979-2008 %A Pablo Chaparro %A Julio Padilla %J Biom谷dica %D 2012 %I Instituto Nacional de Salud %X Introduction. In Colombia, malaria represents a serious public health problem. It is estimated that approximately 60% of the population is at risk of the disease. Objective. To describe the mortality trends for malaria in Colombia, from 1979 to 2008. Materials and methods. A descriptive study to determine the trends of the malaria mortality was carried out. The information sources used were databases of registered deaths and population projections from 1979 to 2008 of the National Statistics Department. The indicator used was the mortality rate. The trend was analyzed by join point regression. Results. Six thousands nine hundred and sixty five deaths caused by malaria were certified for an age-adjusted rate of 0.74 deaths/100.000 inhabitants for the study period. In 74.3% of the deaths, the parasite species was not mentioned. The trend in the mortality rate showed a statistically significant decreasing behavior, which was lower from the second half of the nineties as compared with that presented in the eighties. Conclusions. The magnitude of mortality by malaria in Colombia is not high, in spite of the evident underreporting. A marked downward trend was observed between 1979 and 2008. The information obtained from death certificates, along with that of the public health surveillance system will allow to modify the recommendations and improve the implementation of preventive and control measures to further reduce the mortality caused by malaria. Introducci車n. En Colombia, el paludismo representa un grave problema de salud p迆blica. Se estima que, aproximadamente, 60 % de la poblaci車n se encuentra en riesgo de enfermar o de morir por esta causa. Objetivo. Describir la tendencia de la mortalidad por paludismo en Colombia desde 1979 hasta 2008. Materiales y m谷todos. Se llev車 a cabo un estudio descriptivo para determinar la tendencia de las tasas de mortalidad. Las fuentes de informaci車n fueron las bases de datos de las defunciones registradas y de las proyecciones de poblaci車n de 1979 a 2008 del Departamento Nacional de Estad赤stica (DANE). El indicador empleado fue la tasa de mortalidad. La tendencia se analiz車 mediante el software de an芍lisis de regresi車n de puntos de inflexi車n (joinpoint). Resultados. Se certificaron 6.965 muertes por paludismo para una tasa ajustada por edad de 0,74 muertes por 100.000 habitantes para el periodo estudiado. En 74,3 % de las muertes, no se especific車 la especie parasitaria. Las tasas de mortalidad por paludismo presentaron una tendencia decreciente estad赤sticamente significativa, que fue menor a partir de la segunda mitad d %K malaria/mortalidad %K tasa de mortalidad %K registros de mortalidad %K epidemiolog赤a %K Colombia %U http://www.revistabiomedica.org/index.php/biomedica/article/view/620