%0 Journal Article %T PRESSURE AND PRESSURE DERIVATE ANALYSIS FOR A WELL IN A RADIAL COMPOSITE RESERVOIR WITH A NON-NEWTONIAN/NEWTONIAN INTERFACE %A Freddy-Humberto Escobar %A Javier-Andr谷s Mart赤nez %A Matilde Montealegre-Madero %J CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnolog赤a y Futuro %D 2010 %I Instituto Colombiano del Petr車leo (ICP) - ECOPETROL S.A. %X In many activities of the oil industry, engineers have to deal with completion and stimulation treatment fluids such as polymer solutions and some heavy crude oils which obey a non-Newtonian power-law behavior. When it is required to conduct a treatment with a non-Newtonian fluid in an oil-bearing formation, this comes in contact with conventional oil which possesses a Newtonian nature. This implies the definition of two media with entirely different mobilities. If a pressure test is run in such a system, the interpretation of data from such a test through the use of conventional straight-line method may be erroneous and may not provide a way for verification of the results obtained. In this work, the signature of the pressure derivative curve is investigated to understand and ease the interpretation of the well test data in reservoirs with non-Newtonian power-law fluids. Specifically, the Tiab's Direct Synthesis (TDS) technique is implemented using some characteristics features found on the pressure and pressure derivative curves. Hence, new equations are introduced to estimate permeability, non-Newtonian bank radius and skin factor. Permeability can be verified. The proposed methodology was successfully verified by its application to an example reported in the literature and a synthetic case. En algunas actividades de la industria petrolera, los ingenieros tienen que tratar con fluidos de estimulaci車n y completamiento tales como pol赤meros y algunos crudos pesados que obedecen un comportamiento no Newtoniano. Cuando se requiere un tratamiento con un fluido no Newtoniano en una formaci車n productora de crudo, 谷ste entra en contacto con el crudo convencional que posee naturaleza Newtoniana. Esto implica la definici車n de dos medios con movilidades completamente diferentes. Si all赤 se corre una prueba de presi車n, su interpretaci車n mediante el m谷todo convencional de la l赤nea recta podr赤a conducir a resultados err車neos y tampoco permitir赤a la verificaci車n de los resultados obtenidos. En este trabajo se estudi車 la huella de la derivada de presi車n para entender y facilitar la interpretaci車n de pruebas de presi車n en yacimientos con fluidos no-Newtonianos que obedecen la ley de potencia. Espec赤ficamente, se implement車 la S赤ntesis Directa de Tiab (TDS) usando algunas caracter赤sticas espec赤ficas halladas en la curva de la presi車n y la derivada de presi車n, de modo que se introdujeron nuevas ecuaciones para estimar permeabilidad, radio de la zona no Newtoniana y el factor de da o. La permeabilidad se puede verificar. La metodolog赤a propuesta se verific車 satisfactoria %K flujo radial %K viscosidad %K caracterizaci車n de yacimientos %K pruebas de presi車n %K movilidad %K permeabilidad %K modelo matem芍tico %K curvas de presi車n %K fluido newtoniano %K an芍lisis de presi車n %K radial flow %K viscosity %K reservoir characterization %K pressure tests %K mobility %K permeability %K mathematical model %K pressure curve %K Newtonian fluid %K pressure analysis %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0122-53832010000200004