%0 Journal Article %T ARTIFICIAL LIFT MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS OF BEST PRACTICES %A Clemente-Marcelo Hirschfeldt %J CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnolog赤a y Futuro %D 2011 %I Instituto Colombiano del Petr車leo (ICP) - ECOPETROL S.A. %X ABSTRACT Artificial lift systems (ALS) play an important role during the oil field production process. The selection, acquisition, installation, evaluation, monitoring and subsequent inspection of these systems involves different stakeholders, including the companies and different sectors therein. When you add factors such as field location, local culture and the experience of the companies in the area, understanding and analyzing each of the factors is critical not only to maximize the life of a specific ALS, but also to maximize and optimize field production in an efficient, effective manner. Another important factor to consider is the dynamic of developing new oil fields or those affected by different EOR technologies, such as secondary recovery by water injection, where field requirements and conditions change on a continuous basis. This paper presents concepts and recommendations regarding the management of ALS during the productive life of an oil field, contemplating the criteria of selection, acquisition, installation, evaluation and monitoring, as well as the subsequent inspection thereof. The issues analyzed herein also involve concepts related to operating as well as service companies and sectors involved in acquisition, evaluation and monitoring, among others. It also mentions definitions of the roles, functions and competencies required to live up to the challenges posed by these systems. RESUMEN Los sistemas de levantamiento artificial (SLA) juegan un rol importante durante el proceso de producci車n de un campo hidrocarbur赤fero. Su selecci車n, adquisici車n, instalaci車n, evaluaci車n, monitoreo y su posterior inspecci車n, involucra a diferentes actores, as赤 tambi谷n como compa 赤as y diferentes sectores dentro de ellas. Si adem芍;s le agregamos factores como la ubicaci車n de los campos, la cultura local y la experiencia de las empresas en esas locaciones, el conocimiento y an芍;lisis de cada uno de todos estos factores es cr赤tico no solo a la hora de maximizar la vida 迆til de un SLA espec赤fico, sino tambi谷n a la hora de maximizar y optimizar la producci車n de un campo de forma efectiva y eficiente. Otro factor importante a ser considerado es la din芍;mica que presenta el desarrollo de nuevos campos hidrocarbur赤feros o aquellos que est谷n afectados a distintas tecnolog赤as de EOR como los de recuperaci車n secundaria por inyecci車n de agua, donde los requerimientos y las condiciones de los campos cambian en forma continua. El siguiente trabajo presentar芍; algunos de los conceptos y recomendaciones relacionadas a la gesti車n de los sistemas de levantamiento artif %K Sistemas de levantamiento artificial %K Ingenier赤a de producci車n %K Campos maduros %K Sistemas de evantamento artificial %K Engenharia de produ o %K Campos maduros %K Artificial lift systems %K Production engineering %K Mature fields %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0122-53832011000100001