%0 Journal Article %T Lattice Based Tools in Cryptanalysis for Public Key Cryptography %A R.Santosh Kumar %A C.Narasimham %A S.Pallam Setty %J International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Lattice reduction is a powerful concept for solving diverse problems involving point lattices. Latticereduction has been successfully utilizing in Number Theory, Linear algebra and Cryptology. Not only the existence of lattice based cryptosystems of hard in nature, but also has vulnerabilities by lattice reduction techniques. In this survey paper, we are focusing on point lattices and then describing an introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of lattice reduction. Finally, we describe the applications of lattice reduction in Number theory, Linear algebra %K Lattices %K Lattice Reduction %K RSA %K Coppersmith %K Subset Sum %K Simultaneous Diophantine %K Merkle-Hellman %U http://airccse.org/journal/nsa/0312nsa12.pdf