%0 Journal Article %T IMPROVED DESIGN OF NEST BOX FOR INDIAN HOUSE SPARROW, PASSER DOMESTICUS INDICUS %A Jawale Chetan S. %J Bioscience Discovery %D 2012 %I RUt Printer and Publisher %X Indian house sparrow, Passer domesticus indicus is a symbiotic bird species with human habitation. Its vanishing population created awareness among peoples. Our changing life style and loss of nesting site proved a major cause of disappearance of sparrow. Many people try to provide non scientific artificial nest box for these bird in India. So, we experimented with the various design of Standard European sparrow nest box and presented ideal nest box designed which improves the nesting and breeding potential in urban area. Improved dimensions are 15.24 cm length and 12.7 cm width. Depth was reduced to 7.62 cm. We also able to improve the aesthetic look of these boxes which lead to increased acceptance by common people for their fixing around their houses. We found that availability of nesting material and height of nest box installation would not affect the nesting attempt by Indian sparrow. This improved designed of nest box will definitely help people, organizations and groups in their attempt to increase sparrow population. %K Artificial nest box %K Indian house sparrow %K Nesting material %K Nest box design %K Passer domesticus. %U http://www.biosciencediscovery.com/Vol3No1/Jawale97-100.pdf