%0 Journal Article %T PRODUCTION OF GLUCOSE FROM WHEAT STRAW USING ASPERGILLUS NIGER %A B.K. HIGHINA %A O.A.J. OLADOKUN %A J. APAGU %J Journal of Applied Phytotechnology in Environmental Sanitation %D 2012 %I Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) %X The purpose of this paper is to determine the optimum conditions of glucose production from pre-treated wheat straw using microbial cells as source of enzymes of Aspergillus niger. Various factors that affect the enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat straw were investigated in order to obtain optimum conditions of hydrolysis. From the result of this work, it was discovered that the optimum range of temperature, pH and particle size are 45-500C, 4.5-5.0 and 75¦Ìm-150¦Ìm respectively. It has been discovered from this work that as substrate concentration increases from 1.0gL-1 to 10gL-1 glucose concentration increases from 10mg/dl to about 90mg/dl after a hydrolysis time of 8 hours. While as cell loading increases glucose concentration also increased. %K Glucose %K wheat-straw %K Aspergillus niger %K hydrolysis %U http://trisanita.org/japes/apespaper2012/apes03v1n1y2012.pdf