%0 Journal Article %T ISSUES AND PROCEDURES IN ADOPTING STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING TECHNIQUE %A Siu Loon HOE %J Journal of Applied Quantitative Methods %D 2008 %I Association for Development through Science and Education %X When applying structural equation modeling (SEM) technique for analytical procedures, various issues are involved. These issues may concern sample size, overall fit indices and approach. Initiates of SEM may find it somewhat daunting in resolving these technical issues. The purpose of this paper is to highlight key issues in adopting SEM technique and various approaches available. This paper provides a discussion on the sample size, fit indices, standardized paths, unidimensionality test and various approaches in relation to SEM. It is hoped that having reviewed the paper, new researchers can devote more time to data analysis instead of procedural issues involved. %K Structural equation modeling %K fit indices %K unidimensionality %K eigenvalue %U http://www.jaqm.ro/issues/volume-3,issue-1/pdfs/hoe.pdf