%0 Journal Article %T Ranking risks in ambient intelligence projects %A C. L¨®pez %A J.L. Salmeron %J Journal of applied research and technology %D 2011 %I Universidad Nacional Aut¨®noma de M¨¦xico (UNAM) %X At present, numerous ambient intelligent (AmI) applications are emerging which support current electronic and digitalenvironments. Professionals develop each of them by means of projects. AmI application projects have certain features that make them different from other engineering projects. Moreover, a wide rage of risks are present in the whole project. Therefore, to increase these projects¡¯ chances to be successful, it is necessary to manage their specific risks adequately. In order to support the work of those practitioners managing these threats, this research proposes a multicriteria decision-making methodology called Analytic Hierarchy Process. This technique will enable theprioritization of risks in AmI projects according to their level of threat. %K AmI applications %K risk management %K multicriteria decision-making methodology %K software development. %U http://amcath.ccadet.unam.mx/jart/vol9_3/ranking_12.pdf