%0 Journal Article %T Ataque mortal por perros de raza rottweiller a una mujer adulta: posible ataque en manada y antropofagia postmortal: Revisi車n y an芍lisis de un caso de autopsia m谷dico legal Death of an adult woman after attack by two rottweiller breed dogs: discussion about "pack attack" and postmorten anthropophagy: A case report and literature review %A P.M. Garamendi %A M. L車pez Alcaraz %J Cuadernos de Medicina Forense %D 2012 %I Asociaci車n Andaluza de M谷dicos Forenses %X Se presenta un infrecuente caso de muerte de una mujer adulta por posible ataque no presenciado de dos perros de raza rottweiller que se hallaban en su casa para guarda de la finca. La interpretaci車n del caso indica, sin embargo, un posible ataque mortal por parte de uno solo de los dos animales con conducta posterior de antropofagia postmortal tras dar muerte a la mujer. Se revisa la literatura m谷dicolegal reciente y se analizan los aspectos epidemiol車gicos de este tipo de muerte judiciales, incidiendo especialmente en los rasgos diferenciales de las lesiones producidas por los perros en casos de ataques mortales. Se rese a tambi谷n la conveniencia de la realizaci車n de autopsia veterinaria y recogida de muestras para estudios de gen谷tica forense en estos casos, as赤 como las ventajas y limitaciones del uso de los moldes dentales caninos para la reconstrucci車n de las lesiones. We present a case report of an unsual unwitnessed violent death of an adult woman supposedly killed by her two guardian dogs. Both dogs were rottweiller breed. The conclusion of the medicolegal investigation indicates that the woman was probaly attacked by only one of the dogs and after death one or both dogs ate anatomic parts of the body (head). A review of updated medicolegal publications was made. The results of the review were centered on epidemiological profile of death by dogs attack, the features of mortal dog attacks and the features of the injuries produced by dogs on death bodies. This review confirms the unusual characteristics of this medicolegal investigation. Some recommendations like performing a veterinary autopsy in all cases and taking biological samples for forensic genetics investigations were included. Advantages and limitations of bite-injury analysis by odontological methods in complicated cases like the one reported in this paper were also discussed. %K Lesiones %K Muerte %K Autopsia m谷dico legal %K Perro %K Mordedura %K Antropofagia %K Rottweiller %K Injuries %K Death %K Medicolegal autopsy %K Dog %K Bite-injuries %K Anthropofagy %K Rottweiller %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1135-76062012000200004