%0 Journal Article %T Suivi de la lixiviation du nitrate en plein champ par la technique lysim¨¦trique : retour de huit ann¨¦es d'exp¨¦rience %A Deneufbourg %A M. %A Vandenberghe %A C. %A Heens %A B. %A Marcoen %A JM. %J Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Soci¨¦t¨¦ et Environnement %D 2013 %I Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux %X Monitoring of nitrate leaching in open fields by lysimeters: results from an eight year study. Since 2003, nitrate leaching has been monitored in six plots located in a loamy area (Hesbaye, Belgium), mainly dedicated to wheat, sugarbeet and vegetable crops. Open-field lysimeters have been used in order not to impede agricultural operations. Lysimeters are used as follow-up tools to quantify the amounts of nitrate leaching below the root zone. This study aims to evaluate the suitability of PLN (Potentially Leachable Nitrogen ¨C APL in French) defined in the Sustainable Nitrogen Management Program (PGDA in French) as an environmental indicator by relating nitrogen management practices (including fertilization recommendations) to PLN values and groundwater quality. This study demonstrates that lysimeters are efficient in collecting representative amounts of leaching water. Lysimeters show that PLN is identified as being related to the nitrate content in leaching water, which will not be taken up by the next crop. The amount of nitrate leaching below the root zone demonstrates the necessity and the relevance of the organic nitrogen spreading limits defined in the Sustainable Nitrogen Management Program. The lysimeter tool also shows that respect for leaching water quality standards under agricultural plots needs to be considered from an integrated and generalized approach, taking into account complete crop sequences and rotations, including rational fertilization rates and the introduction of catch crops in rotation. Some suitable or unsuitable crop sequences with regard to good groundwater quality are listed. %K Lysimeters %K leaching %K nitrate %K water pollution %K agriculture %K Belgium %U http://hdl.handle.net/11006/67