%0 Journal Article %T Aktifitas Antimikroba Ekstrak Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) terhadap Bacillus subtilis dan Klebsiella pneumoniae %A TULUS JUNANTO %A SUTARNO %A SUPRIYADI %J Bioteknologi %D 2008 %I UNS Solo %X Indonesia has much kind of plants, which have medicinal properties and used to cure various diseases. Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) is one of tree plant that has many used, one of them as city ornamental tree. The aim of the research was to know the antimicrobial effect off crude extract angsana against Bacillus subtilis and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Crude extract angsana is made in maceration with methanol, chloroform, and hexane. The part of angsana is leaf, stem bark and root. Diffusion method is used to test antimicrobial activity. Effect of antimicrobial is shown by halo zone. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MMICs) of methanol crude extract of leaf is 250 ¦Ìg//¦Ìl, methanol crude extract of stem bark and root are 100 ¦Ìg/¦Ìl and 100 ¦Ìg/¦Ìll for K. pneumoniae. MICs of methanol crude extract of stem bark and root are 100 ¦Ìg/¦Ì¦Ìl and 1000 ¦Ì¦Ìg/¦Ìl for Bacillus subtilis. MICs of chloroform crude extract off stem bark and root are 1000 ¦Ìg/¦Ìl and 500 ¦Ìg/¦Ìl for KK. pneumoniae. MICs of chloroform cru de extract of stem bark and root are 550 ¦Ìg/¦Ìl and 550 ¦Ìg/¦Ìl for B. subtilis. MICs of hexane crude extract of stem bark is 500 ¦Ìg/¦Ìl and 1000 ¦Ìg/¦Ìl for K. pneumoniae and B. subtilis, respectively. Crude extract of leaf, stem bark and root of angsana could inhibit growth of B. subtilis and K. pneumoniae bacteria. %K Angsana %K Pterocarpus indicus %K antimicrobial %K MICs %U http://biosains.mipa.uns.ac.id/C/C0502/C050204.pdf