%0 Journal Article %T Mandibular condyle fractures and treatment methods %A Mehmet Melih Omezli %A Ertunc Dayi %A Ferhat Ayranci %A G£żksel Simsek Kaya %J Cumhuriyet Dental Journal %D 2012 %I Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry %R 10.7126/cdj.2012.720 %X Large majority of all mandibular fractures are localized on the condyle. Proper treatment of these fractures is important for preventing the functional and anatomic disorders that may occur subsequently. However, the diagnosis and proper management of the fractured mandibular condyle is one of the controversial topics in maxillofacial trauma. In this paper, diagnosis and current treatment modalities of mandibular condyle fractures are reviewed. ZET Mandibula k r klar n n b¨ıy¨ık bir k sm kondiler sahada lokalizedir. Bu tip k r klar n uygun ekilde tedavisi bu b lgede daha sonradan olu abilecek fonksiyonel ve anatomik bozukluklar n geli imini engellemek a s ndan b¨ıy¨ık nem ta maktad r. Bununla birlikte, kondil k r klar n n te his ve uygun tedavisi maksillofasiyal alanda tart lan konulardan birisi olmu tur. Bu makalede, mandibular kondil k r klar n n te hisi ve uygulanan tedavi y ntemleri g zden ge irilmi tir. Anahtar kelimeler: Kondil, a k red¨ıksiyon, mandibula. %K Condyle %K open reduction %K mandible %U http://dergi.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/dishekimligi/article/view/720