%0 Journal Article %T Dentin hassasiyeti ve tedavi y ntemleri %A Hasan G¨ıney Yilmaz %A Hakan Bayindir %A Esra Cengiz %A Atilla Berberoglu %J Cumhuriyet Dental Journal %D 2012 %I Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry %R 10.7126/cdj.2012.736 %X Dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is a relatively common problem experienced in clinical dental practice. This condition has been defined as a short, sharp pain arising from exposed dentin in response to stimuli typically thermal, evaporative, tactile, osmotic or chemical and which cannot be described to any other form of dental defect or pathology. DH may ocur as a result of exposed dentinal tubules through either loss of enamel or gingival recession. Management strategies, which take into account aetiological factors and patientĦŻs oral hygeine behaviour, should be considered before the home or in office treatment protocols. Treatment plan should include reduce fluid flow in the tubules by means of occlude exposed tubules and block the nerve response in the pulp with many desensitizing chemical agents or phyisical agents which also include lasers. The purpose of this review is to summarize the definition, epidemiology, mechanism, aetiology, diagnosis and treatment protocols of dentin hypersensitivity. Key words: Dentine hypersensitivity, aetiology, diagnosis, laser, desensitizing agents. ZET G¨ın¨ım¨ızde giderek artan bir sorun olarak kar m za kan dentin hassasiyeti (DH) herhangi bir dental defekt veya patoloji ile a klanamayan, kimyasal, termal, temas, ozmotik veya buharla t r c uyarana kar ortama a lm dentin y¨ızeylerinden yay lan, k sa s¨ıreli keskin bir a r olarak tan mlanmaktad r. Sert doku kayb veya di eti ekilmesiyle dentin y¨ızeyinin a a ve dentin kanallar n n oral kaviteye do ru a lmas yla DH olu abilir. Evde veya klinikte uygulanacak tedavinin belirlenmesinden nce tedavi plan etiyolojik fakt rler ve hastan n oral hijyen al kanl klar da dikkate al nmal d r. Tedavi ekspoze dentin kanallar n kapatarak t¨ıb¨ıllerdeki s v ak n azaltmaya ve pulpadaki sinir iletimini bloke eden desensitivite edici bir ok kimyasal ya da lazerlerin de dahil oldu u fiziksel ajanlar n kullan m na dayal d r. Bu derleme dentin hassasiyetinin tan m , epidemiyolojisi, mekanizmas , etyolojisi, te his ve tedavi protokolleri tan mlamaktad r. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dentin hassasiyeti, etiyoloji, te his, lazer, desensitivite edici ajan. %K Dentine hypersensitivity %K aetiology %K diagnosis %K laser %K desensitizing agents %U http://dergi.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/dishekimligi/article/view/736