%0 Journal Article %T The COP1 E3-ligase interacts with FIP200, a key regulator of mammalian autophagy %A Kobayashi Saori %A Yoneda-Kato Noriko %A Itahara Nagisa %A Yoshida Akihiro %J BMC Biochemistry %D 2013 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1471-2091-14-1 %X Background The ubiquitin ligase COP1, COnstitutively Photomorphogenic 1, functions in many biological responses in mammalian cells, but its downstream pathway remains unclear. Results Here, we identified FIP200, a key regulator of mammalian autophagy, as a novel COP1-interacting protein by yeast two-hybrid screening. The interaction was confirmed by a GST-pulldown assay. Split-GFP analysis revealed that interaction between COP1 and FIP200 predominantly occurred in the cytoplasm and was enhanced in cells treated with UV irradiation. Different forms of FIP200 protein were expressed in cultured mammalian cells, and ectopic expression of COP1 reduced one of such forms. Conclusions These data suggest that COP1 modulates FIP200-associated activities, which may contribute to a variety of cellular functions that COP1 is involved in. %K COP1 %K FIP200(RB1CC1) %K UV %K Autophagy %U http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2091/14/1