%0 Journal Article %T Bukkal mukozada lipom: vaka raporu %A £¿smail £¿ener %A Emel Bulut %A Mehmet Cihan Bereket %A Akif T¨¹rer %J Cumhuriyet Dental Journal %D 2012 %I Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry %R 10.7126/cdj.2012.1079 %X Lipomas are benign mesenchymal neoplasms composed of mature adipocytes, usually surrounded by a thin fibrous capsule. The most common location for lipomas in the maxillofacial region has been reported as the buccal mucosa and the peak incidence age for lipoma is 40 years and above. In the oral cavity, the most common sites are the cheek, tongue, palate, mandible and lip where lipomas occur as sessile or encapsulated masses. The present study reports a case of a 58-year-old man presented with a painless mass in the right vestibule that had been present for 6 months. The lesion was covered by normal mucosa, seemed to be circumscribed. Under local anesthesia, excision was performed. Histopathological examination was consistence with the diagnosis of a lipoma. Keywords: Lipoma, mature adipocytes, painless mass in vestibule. ZET Lipomlar, o unlukla ince bir fibr z kaps¨¹l ile evrili olgunla m adipositlerden olu an benign mezen imal neoplazmlard r. Lipomlar en yo un olarak 40 ya ve ¨¹zerinde g r¨¹l¨¹r. Maksilofasiyal b lgede en s k yerle ti i k s m bukkal mukoza olarak bildirilmi tir. Bunu s ras yla dil, a z taban , dudaklar izler. Oral kavitede lipomlar n en s k g r¨¹ld¨¹ ¨¹ b lgeler yanak, dil, damak, mandibula ve dudakt r ve genellikle saps z ya da kaps¨¹ll¨¹ bir kitle olarak g zlenirler. Bu olgu raporunda 6 ayd r sa alt vestib¨¹lde a r s z i li i bulunan, 58 ya nda erkek hasta sunulmu tur. Lezyon normal mukoza ile evrili ve s n rlanm olarak g r¨¹lmekteydi. Hasta lokal anestezi alt nda opere edildi. Histopatolojik inceleme sonucunda lipom tan s do ruland . %K Lipoma %K mature adipocytes %K painless mass in vestibule %U http://dergi.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/dishekimligi/article/view/1079