%0 Journal Article %T Ya l lardaki di kay plar n n ve alveol kemi i rezorbsiyonlar n n radyografik de erlendirmesi %A Abubekir Eltas %A O£żuzhan Altun %A Duygu Yavuzer %J Cumhuriyet Dental Journal %D 2012 %I Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry %R 10.7126/cdj.2012.1065 %X Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the oral and periodontal health of elderly people in Turkish population. Materials and Methods: This study include 479 patients that 330 of them were 50-65 (Group A), 149 of them were 65 and over (Group B) years old. Systemic diseases, total number of teeth, number of teeth which has to extract, number of teeth which has to extract with periodontal reasons and frequency of alveolar bone resorption with periodontal reasons was evaluated with clinical examination records and OPT radiographs. Results: Frequency of tooth loss and alveolar bone resorption in group B were higher than group A (p<0.05). Systemic diseases and gender have no significant relation with number of lost tooth and frequency of alveolar bone resorption. Conclusions: It is clear that the data about oral health condition in elderly people is inadequate. Therefore, comprehensive clinical examinations are needed on this issue. ZET Ama : Bu al man n amac T¨ırk toplumundaki ya l bireylerin a z ve di eti sa l n belirlemekti. Gere ve Y ntem: Bu al maya 50-65 ya (Grup A) aras nda 330, 65 ya ve ¨ızerinde (Grup B) 149 hasta dahil edildi. Hastalar n sistemik durumu, mevcut di say lar (MDS), ekilmesi gereken di say lar ( DS), periodontal nedenlerden ekilmesi gereken di say lar (P DS) ve periodontal hastal klardan kaynaklanan alveoler kemik rezorbsiyonu g r¨ılme s kl klar klinik muayene kay tlar ve dijital ortopantomografik (OPT) radyografilerle tespit edildi. Bulgular: B grubunda A grubuna oranla daha fazla di kayb ve kemik rezorbsiyonu s kl tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sistemik hastal klar n ve cinsiyetin ise kay p di say lar ve kemik rezorbsiyonu g r¨ılme s kl ile nemli ili kisi bulunmad (p>0.05). Sonu lar: Ya l lardaki a z sa l n n durumu hakk ndaki bilgilerin yetersiz oldu u a kt r, bu y¨ızden daha geni kapsaml klinik al malara ihtiya vard r. Anahtar kelimeler: Ya lanma, sistemik hastal k, periodontal hastal k, di kayb %K Elderly %K systemic disease %K periodontal disease %K tooth loss %U http://dergi.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/dishekimligi/article/view/1065