%0 Journal Article %T Di hekimlinde lokal anesteziklere ba l allerji %A Esra Cagiran %A Candan Efeoglu %A H¨¹seyin Koca %A Taner Balc£¿o£¿lu %J Cumhuriyet Dental Journal %D 2013 %I Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry %R 10.7126/cdj.2012.1030 %X Objectives: Dental treatment of many patients is delayed owing to a positive history of allergic reactions. The aim of this study is to retrospectively investigate the results of local anaesthetic allergy tests of the patients, who were sent for allergy consultation due to their history of allergic reactions, and the following dental treatments carried out under local anaesthesia in the Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dentistry, Ege University Materials and Methods: In this study, case notes of 30 patients who were sent for allergy consultation due to their history of allergic reactions were retrospectively investigated. History of allergic reactions, tooth removal, test results, and allergic reactions following the administration of the suggested local anaesthetic were noted. Results: The consultant doctor regarded testing unnecessary for 6 (20%) of the patients. Twelve (50%) of the 24 patients, had history of allergic reactions associated with tooth removal. Of the 24 patients tested, only 1 (4.1%) patient had a positive result. Conclusions: A detailed medical history should be taken before commencing any dental treatment. If allergic reactions are expected, the appropriate consultation should be done, and patients at risk should be treated after taking the appropriate measures. Keywords: Local anaesthetics, allergy, dentistry. ZET Ama : Alerji yk¨¹s¨¹ nedeniyle ok say da hastan n di tedavisi gecikebilmektedir. Bu al man n amac , Ege ¨¹niversitesi Di hekimli i Fak¨¹ltesi A z Di ve ene Cerrahisi Anabilim Dal ¡¯na ba vurup alerji yk¨¹s¨¹ nedeniyle alerji konsultasyonu istenen hastalar n alerji test sonu lar n ve bu sonuca g re lokal anestezi alt nda yap lan tedavilerini retrospektif olarak ara t rmakt r. Gere ve Y ntem: Bu al mada di hekimli inde alerji yk¨¹s¨¹ bulunmas nedeni ile alerji konsultasyonu istenen 30 hastan n ar iv notlar retrospektif olarak incelendi. Kendilerinde ve/veya ailelerinde alerji yk¨¹s¨¹ varl , daha nce di ekimi yap l p yap lmad , test sonu lar ve nerilen lokal anestezik ile yap lan di ekimi sonras alerji geli ip geli medi i kaydedildi. Bulgular: Alerji kons¨¹ltasyonu istenen 30 olgunun 6¡¯s nda (%20), de erlendiren konsultan hekimin nerisiyle test yap lmam t . 24 olgunun 12¡¯sinde (%50) nceki di ekimi sonras geli en alerji yk¨¹s¨¹ tesbit edildi. Test yap lan 24 hastadan sadece 1¡¯inde (%4,1) pozitif sonu saptand . Sonu : Di tedavilerinden nce t bbi anamnez ayr nt l olarak al nmal , alerji ¨¹phesi varl nda gerekli konsultasyon yap lmal ve riskli hastalarda uygun tedbirler al narak tedaviye ba %K Lokal anestezikler %K alerji %K di hekimli i. %U http://dergi.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/dishekimligi/article/view/1030