%0 Journal Article %T Temporomandibular eklem artrosentezinde uygulanan e itli y ntemsel farkl l klar n geriye d n¨¹k de erlendirilmesi %A Osman A Etoz %A Nilay Er %A F. G¨¹lfe£¿an £¿anak£¿£¿ %A Erdem K£¿l£¿£¿ %J Cumhuriyet Dental Journal %D 2012 %I Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry %R 10.7126/cdj.2012.1099 %X Objectives:. Arthrocentesis is known as a highly effective procedure for the treatment of the closed lock and the elimination of intraarticular adhesions. The purpose of this study to evaluate and to compare the success of classical arthrocentesis method and arthrocentesis with posterior insertion and also manual way lavage and lavage with dental surgical motor clinically. Materials and Methods: This study included total of 104 patients who underwent arthrocentesis. As a sucess criteria maximum mouth opening (MMO) and pain evaluation with visual analogue scale (VAS) before and after the operation were determined. The results obtained by retrospective records of the patients and evaluated and interpreted statistically. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in MMO between manuel way lavage and lavage with dental surgical motor but in VAS scores decrease in motor group was higher (p <0.05). AA values showed no statistically significiant difference in posterior insertion method (p>0.005). Decrease in the VAS values of the posterior insertion group was higher than the classical method group but the difference was also not statistically significant. (p> 0.05). Conclusions: Our study showed there is no significiant difference in various arthrocentesis methods for increasing the mouth opening. Decrease in VAS values was higher in the pressure-washing by dental surgical motor. Keywords: Temporomandibular joint, arthrocentesis, posterior insertion method, lavage with dental surgical motor. ZET Ama : Temporomandibuler eklem artrosentezi, kapal kilitlenmenin tedavisinde ve eklem i i adezyonlar n ortadan kald r lmas nda etkili bir tedavi y ntemi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu al man n amac klasik artrosentez y ntemi ile posterior giri kullan larak yap lan artrosentez y ntemini ve manuel yolla yap lan y kama i lemi ile motor kullan larak yap lan y kama i lemlerini klinik olarak de erlendirmek ve kar la t rmakt r. Gere ve Y ntem: Artrosentez yap lan toplam 104 hasta al maya dahil edilmi tir. Ba ar kriteri olarak i lem ncesi ve sonras maksimum a z a kl (AA) ve visual analog skala (VAS) ile a r de erlendirilmesi belirlenmi tir. Hastalar n ge mi e d n¨¹k kay tlar na bak larak elde edilen sonu lar istatistiksel olarak de erlendirilmi ve yorumlanm t r. Bulgular: Motor ile artrosentez yap lan ve manuel yolla artrosentez yap lan hastalar n a z a kl de erleri aras nda istatistiksel olarak anlaml fark bulunamam t r ancak VAS de erleri kar la t r ld nda motor ile y kama yap lan hastalarda azalma daha fazlad r (p<0,05). Poster %K temporomandibuler eklem %K artrosentez %K posterior giri y ntemi %K motor ile y kama y ntemi %U http://dergi.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/dishekimligi/article/view/1099