%0 Journal Article %T Periodontoloji klini ine ba vuran hastalarda periodontal durum ve sistemik hastal klar n de erlendirilmesi %A Aysun Akp£¿nar %A Hulya Toker %A Metin £¿al£¿£¿£¿r %J Cumhuriyet Dental Journal %D 2012 %I Cumhuriyet University Faculty of Dentistry %R 10.7126/cdj.2012.928 %X Objectives: The present study aims to determine the periodontal status and frequencies of the systemic diseases encountered in individuals admitted to Periodontology Department of Faculty of Dentistry at Cumhuriyet University. Materials and Methods: The present study included 1400 individuals aged between 12-82, 834 of whom were female, and 566 of whom were male. The factors investigated were periodontal status, oral hygiene habits, smoking and presence of systemic diseases. Clinical and radiological examinations were utilized in the diagnosis of periodontal disease. Results: When periodontal conditions were investigated, it was found that 0.3% of the patients were healthy, 51.9% had gingivitis, 46,4% had chronic periodontitis and 1.4% had aggressive periodontitis. The prevalence of systemic diseases in the sample group of the study was 39.2%. 31.4 % of the patients with gingivitis, 47.9% of the patients with chronic periodontitis and 50% of the patients with aggressive periodontitis were also found to have systemic disease. 2.1% of the patients included in the study had hepatitis and 24.4% were smokers. Conclusions: The prevalence of periodontal and systemic diseases in the sample group of the study was found to be high. A detailed medical history of all patients with periodontal disease should be obtained and investigated and an appropriate treatment should be planned accordingly. ZET Ama : Bu al mada, Cumhuriyet ¨¹niversitesi Di hekimli i Fak¨¹ltesi Periodontoloji Anabilim Dal na ba vuran bireylerin periodontal durumlar n n ve bu hastalarda kar la lan sistemik hastal klar n s kl klar n n belirlenmesi ama land . Gere ve Y ntem: 834 kad n, 566 erkek 12-82 ya aras ndaki 1400 birey al maya dahil edildi. Periodontal durum, oral hijyen al kanl klar , sigara al kanl ve sistemik hastal k varl ara t r ld . Klinik ve radyolojik muayene sonras periodontal hastal k te hisi konuldu. Bulgular: Periodontal durumlar na g re hastalar n %0,3 periodontal a dan sa l kl , %51.9¡¯u gingivitis, %46,4 kronik periodontitis, %1,4 agresif periodontitis olarak saptand . al madaki bireylerin sistemik hastal k prevalans %39.2 olarak tespit edildi. Gingivitis tan s olan hastalar n %31,4¡¯de, kronik periodontitisli hastalar n %47,9 ve agresif periodontitisli hastalar n %50'sinde sistemik hastal k g zlendi. Bu al maya kat lan bireylerin %2,1¡¯nin hepatit oldu u ve %24,4¡¯n¨¹n sigara i ti i tespit edildi. Sonu lar: Bu al ma, periodontal ve sistemik hastal klar n g r¨¹lme s kl n n incelenen bireyler aras nda y¨¹ksek oldu unu g sterdi. Periodontal hastal bulu %K Periodontal hastal k %K t bbi yk¨¹ %K kalp-damar hastal %U http://dergi.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/dishekimligi/article/view/928