%0 Journal Article %T Illustrators of the New World. The Image in the Spanish Scientific Expeditions of the Enlightenment %A Puig-Samper %A Miguel 芍ngel %J Culture & History Digital Journal %D 2012 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient赤ficas %R 10.3989/chdj.2012.m102 %X In the Eighteenth Century, with the boom in the exploration of the Earth, most travellers and explorers had painters and illustrators at their sides who recorded their adventures, even their deaths, the exotic locations they visited, the aborigines, the landscapes or the strange creatures or plants that inhabited them. The presence of artists would increase in these types of exploration companies, sent by Spain, in order to recognise the natural resources and the imperial control of their territories. We take as a starting point L fling*s expedition, in which naturalist artists seek to comply with the requirements of the Linnaean classification system then, looking at the case of Francisco Requena, who cartographically represented the territory and drew the activities of his own expedition members along the boundaries with the Portuguese empire. Likewise, we analyze expeditions known as ※Botanical§ to the different viceroyalties, which attempted to transmit the American nature idealized in a few ※types§ that were drawn and recorded to make the new species and the wealth of the Empire known, until finally arriving at the expedition of Malaspina, in which there is a step towards the depiction of the imperial landscape. En el siglo XVIII, con la explosi車n de la exploraci車n de la Tierra, la mayor赤a de los viajeros y expedicionarios llevan a su lado a pintores y dibujantes que dejan constancia de sus aventuras, incluso de su muerte, de los lugares ex車ticos visitados, los abor赤genes, el paisaje o las extra as criaturas vegetales o animales que las habitan. La presencia de artistas ir芍 increment芍ndose en este tipo de empresas de exploraci車n enviadas por Espa a para el reconocimiento de los recursos naturales y el control imperial de sus territorios. Tomamos como punto de partida la expedici車n de L fling, en la que los dibujantes naturalistas buscan cumplir con los requisitos del sistema linneano de clasificaci車n, pasando por el caso de Francisco de Requena, que representa el territorio cartogr芍ficamente y dibuja la actividad de los propios expedicionarios en los l赤mites con el espacio imperial portugu谷s. Asimismo analizamos las expediciones conocidas como ※bot芍nicas§ a los diferentes virreinatos, que intentaban transportar la naturaleza americana idealizada en unos ※tipos§ que se dibujan y graban para dar a conocer las nuevas especies y la riqueza del imperio, hasta llegar a la expedici車n de Malaspina, en la que se da un paso hacia la representaci車n del paisaje imperial. %K Scientific artists %K L fling %K Requena %K Mutis %K Ruiz %K Sess谷 %K Malaspina %K Humboldt %K artistas cient赤ficos %K L fling %K Requena %K Mutis %K Ruiz %K Sess谷 %K Malaspina %K Humboldt %U http://cultureandhistory.revistas.csic.es/index.php/cultureandhistory/article/view/12/43