%0 Journal Article %T THE DINAMICS OF IMPULSE ACTIVITY OF THE INFERIOR VESTIBULAR NUCLEUS UNDER CONDITIONS OF VIBRATION IN LABYRINTHECTOMIED RATS %A S.G.Sargsyan %A I.B.Meliksetyan %A S.M.Minasyan %J Journal of Asymmetry %D 2010 %I ANO %X The computer analyzes of the inferior vestibular nuclei was performed in norm and after unilateral labyrinthactomy of right site. On 2-d day after oparation, animals were vibrated with diferent period (5, 10 and 15 days). Benchmark analysis of the features of background pulse activity of both nuclei neurons showed initial asymmetry of the impulse average frequency and factor of variation of interspike intervals. It was showed, that after 5 days vibration average frequency of Roller¡¯s both nuclei impulses were they nearly justified in labyrinthactomied labirintactomied rats. After 15 days vibration impulse average frequency was higher on damaged site, than on unstrucked site. The particularities and functional importance our results are discussed. %K inferior vestibular nuclei %K delabirintation %K vibration %K background impulse activity %K vestibular compensation %U http://j-asymmetry.com/2011/12/sarkisyn_3_2012/?lang=en