%0 Journal Article %T A Meta-analysis of a Cooperative Learning Models Effects on Student Achievement in Mathematics %A John A. Nunnery %A Shanan Chappell %A Pamela Arnold %J Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences %D 2013 %I World Education, Science, Research and Counseling Center %X This study synthesizes the mathematics achievement impacts observed in randomized studies of the Student Teams Achievement Divisions cooperative learning model. A total of 15 randomized studies were retrieved from the extant literature. Analyses of d= +0.16. Cohen¡¯s d effect size estimates indicated an overall statistically significant positive effect of. Effect size estimates were also examined for between-class heterogeneity to ascertain whether there were differences in effects for younger children in elementary settings versus adolescent children in secondary settings. These analyses indicated that cooperative learning had a much stronger effect on student achievement for adolescent children than for younger children. Keywords: Meta- analysis, cooperative learning model, between-class. %K Meta analysis %K cooperative learning model %K between class. %U http://www.world-education-center.org/index.php/cjes/article/view/8.1.3