%0 Journal Article %T Students¡¯ School Performance in Language and Mathematics: Effects of Hope on Attributions, Emotions and Performance Expectations %A Georgia Stephanou %J International Journal of Psychological Studies %D 2012 %I %R 10.5539/ijps.v4n2p93 %X This study examined (a) students¡¯ (n= 342, both genders, grades 5 and 6) attributions and emotions for their subjectively perceived school performance in language and mathematics as successful or unsuccessful, (b) the role of students¡¯ hope (pathways thinking, agency thinking) in the: perceived performance in the above school subjects as successful or unsuccessful, subsequent attributions and emotions, impact of attributions on emotions, and,in turn,interactive effect on performance expectations. The estimated as successful and unsuccessful school performance was predominately attributed to stable and unstable (external in language) factors, respectively. The students experienced intense positive and moderate negative emotions for the perceived successful and unsuccessful school performance, respectively. Hope (mainly, agency thinking) positively influenced the attributions (particularly, stability) and emotions (mainly, pathway thinking), and the impact of attributions on emotions, mainly in unsuccessful performance in mathematics. Hope, attributions and emotions had unique and complimentarily effect on performance expectations. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijps/article/view/15496