%0 Journal Article %T Unified Approach to Secure and Robust Digital Watermarking Scheme for Image Communication %A Keta Raval %A Rajni Bhoomarker %J International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering %D 2013 %I IJRTE %X Digital Watermarking has become essential andprime need for multimedia industry, internet users and digitaldata authentication fields. With rapid growth of digital data, wehave problems related to security and copyright authentication.These increased use of digital data creates new challenges fordocument owners and their reliable customers. DigitalWatermarking has provided global and cost effective solution fordigital image communication. In this paper a robust digitalwatermarking algorithm based on Joint DWT-DCTTransformation is proposed. A secrete message is scrambled andembedded in DWT-DCT coefficients of host image.Uncompressed digital watermark images need a lot storagecapacity and bandwidth. For efficient image transmission needsimage compression. Then watermarked data is used for desiredapplication by channel communication. %K Digital Watermarking %K Discrete Cosine Transform %K Discrete Wavelet Transform %U http://www.ijrte.org/attachments/File/v2i1/A0456032113.pdf