%0 Journal Article %T Runoff Estimation for Darewadi Watershed using RS and GIS %A Dr. Arun W. Dhawale %J International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering %D 2013 %I IJRTE %X An accurate understanding of the hydrologicalbehavior of a watershed is important for effective management.Runoff is the most basic and important data needed whenplanning water control strategies/ practices, such as, waterways,storage facilities or erosion control structures. The most popularmethod used for runoff estimation is SCS runoff curve numbermethod. In the present study Darewadi watershed was taken ascase study for highlighting the role of GIS and RS in estimation ofrunoff from the watershed by SCS curve number method usingOVERLAY techniques. 20 years daily rainfall data was acquiredfrom Indian Metrological Department (IMD), Pune. The studyreveals that the SCS-CN model can be used to estimate surfacerunoff depth when adequate hydrological information is notavailable. %K SCS CN %K Runoff estimation %K AMC %K GIS %K RS. %U http://www.ijrte.org/attachments/File/v1i6/F0413021613.pdf