%0 Journal Article %T Elimination of Noisy Information from Web Pages %A Alpa K. Oza %A Shailendra Mishra %J International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering %D 2013 %I IJRTE %X A Web page typically contains many information blocks. Besides, the content blocks, it usually has such blocks as navigation panels, copyright and privacy notices, and advertisements. These blocks that are not the main content blocks of the page, we call them as noisy blocks. We show that the information contained in these noisy blocks can seriously harm Web data mining. Thus eliminating these noises is of great importance. In our work we focus on identifying and removing local noises in web pages to improve the performance of mining. A simple idea for detection and removal of noises a new DOM tree structure is proposed. The result shows the remarkable increase in F score and accuracy is obtained. %K Noise elimination %K DOM tree %K Web page cleaning. %U http://www.ijrte.org/attachments/File/v2i1/A0523032113.pdf