%0 Journal Article %T PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND INSTRUMENTAL STUDY OF SAMAGUNA RASASINDUR (RED SULPHIDE OF MERCURY) %A Gaddamwar Shirish %A Khaparde Prakash %A Khiyani Rajkumar %J International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy %D 2013 %I International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy %X In the system of Ayurveda, Mercurial medicines are playing major role in the treatment of various diseases. Scholars also described Rasachikitsa as best treatment. The present work illustrates the physico-chemical characteristics of Rasasindur obtained by the well defined processes in the Rasashastra text, which is prepared with the equal quantities of purified Parada and Gandhaka. X-Ray Diffraction is a technique for detecting the presence of diffraction peaks corresponding to various ¦Á-1, d-values which are characteristics of a given material. Samaguna Rasasindur analyzed by using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) showed that, it contains strong lines of Cinnebar syn (HgS). Metacinnebar syn. (HgS). Sharp crystals were very less in number in the Samaguna Rasasindur. In physicochemical analysis of Samaguna Rasasindur Mercury % was 83.68, Sulphur % was 13.38, Ash % was 0.49, Water soluble ash % was 0.24 and Acid insoluble ash % was 0.03. %K Samaguna Rasasindur %K Red Sulphide of mercury %K X-Ray Diffraction study %K Physico-chemical analysis. %U http://www.ijrap.net/admin/php/uploads/949_pdf.pdf