%0 Journal Article %T A Framework for Semi-Automated Implementation of Multidimensional Data Models %A Ilona Mariana NAGY %J Database Systems Journal %D 2012 %I Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies Publishing House %X Data warehousing solution development represents a challenging task which requires the employment of considerable resources on behalf of enterprises and sustained commitment from the stakeholders. Costs derive mostly from the amount of time invested in the design and physical implementation of these large projects, time that we consider, may be decreased through the automation of several processes. Thus, we present a framework for semi-automated implementation of multidimensional data models and introduce an automation prototype intended to reduce the time of data structures generation in the warehousing environment. Our research is focused on the design of an automation component and the development of a corresponding prototype from technical metadata. %K Data Warehouse %K Multidimensional Data Model %K Automatic Data Structure Generation %K Technical Metadata %U http://www.dbjournal.ro/archive/8/8_4.pdf