%0 Journal Article %T EFFICACY OF TRIPHALA GHRITA NETRATARPAN IN COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME %A Deepak P. Sawant %A Gajanan R. Parlikar %A Sandeep V. Binorkar %J International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy %D 2013 %I International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy %R 10.7897/2277-4343.04232 %X In present era, the computerization in a country is necessary for the progress. It seems that the work at computer is very intensive and most tiring. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is the complex condition of eye and vision problems that are related to near work which are experienced during or related to computer use. Traditional medicine has been practiced for many centuries in many parts of the world. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of Triphala Ghrita Tarpan herbal compound preparation as per the classics in 30 patients suffering from CVS in trial group for 7 days in three consecutive months. The duration of Tarpana was 15-20 minutes. While the control group also included with 30 patients and were advised with certain eye exercise. The results in trial group were satisfactory and Tarpana was found to be effective in treating all the signs and symptoms of CVS which was supported by the statistical analysis (P<0.001). %K Computer vision syndrome %K Triphala Ghrita %K Netratarpan. %U http://ijrap.net/admin/php/uploads/990_pdf.pdf