%0 Journal Article %T A CASE STUDY ON MUTRASHMARI (UROLITHIASIS) USING YAVAKSHARADI YOGA %A Sheshashaye B %A Hemantkumar P %A Prasanna N Rao %J International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy %D 2013 %I International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy %X Mutrashmari ¨C Urolithiasis is a consequence of complex physico-chemical processes which involves sequence of events in the formation of any Urinary stone (Urolithiasis) i.e. consequence of imbalance between stone promoters and inhibitors in the kidney. Urinary stones are the major cause of Morbidity. Increased incidence of Urolithiasis in this industrialised world is associated with improved standards of living and is strongly associated with race, ethnicity and region of residence. The identification of common, modifiable risk factors for Urolithiasis may result in new approach for treatment and prevention. With these objectives in this study, the drug Yavksharadi yoga (Yavakshara and Gokshura) a unique combination mentioned in Yogaratankara was selected. In Ayurveda, ¡®Yava¡¯ (Hordeum vulgarae) and ¡®Gokshura¡¯ (Tribulus terrestris) are used widely as Pathya (wholesome diet) for the management of Mutrashmari. This has Vedana shamaka (Reduces pain / spasm), Mutrala (Diuretic property) and Ashmari bhedaka (Lithotryptic) properties in it. In the present work we have tried to study the combined action of Yavaksharadi yoga, diet and lifestyle changes with respect to disintegration / expulsion of the calculi and avoidance of recurrence over a period of 18 months. %K Mutrashmari %K Urolithiasis %K Yavaksharadi yoga. %U http://www.ijrap.net/admin/php/uploads/967_pdf.pdf