%0 Journal Article %T Prune belly syndrome (sequenze): a case report %A A. Vani %A S. Saritha %A K. Sangeetha %A G. Supriya %J International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences %D 2013 %I Medip Academy %R 10.5455/2320-6012.ijrms20130523 %X The Prune Belly syndrome (PBS) also known as Eagle Barret syndrome is a rare disorder. It is an abdominal muscles deficiency syndrome characterized by a Triad syndrome i.e. deficiency of abdominal wall muscles, failure of testicular descent and dilation of the urinary tract. This syndrome has derived its name from the wrinkled prune appearance of the abdominal wall. Prune Belly syndrome is a rare anomaly seen in one in 35,000-50,000 live births. It occurs in all races. Prune Belly syndrome almost exclusively occurs in males (M:F, 20:1). The diagnosis can be made in utero by ultrasonography at 21 weeks of gestation or in the Neonate with characteristic clinical findings. The present case was a dead male fetus of 20 weeks of gestation sent to Anatomy department after Medical termination of pregnancy, due to congenital anomalies identified in routine ultrasound examination during antenatal checkup. [Int J Res Med Sci 2013; 1(2.000): 148-152] %K Ultrasound %K Prune Belly syndrome (PBS) %K Genital system %K Urinary tract %K Cryptorchidism and Abdominal wall musculature %U http://www.scopemed.org/fulltextpdf.php?mno=35133