%0 Journal Article %T Proposing a Data Model for the Representation of Real Time Road Traffic Flow %A Alex Alexandru SIROMASCENKO %J Database Systems Journal %D 2011 %I Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies Publishing House %X Given recent developments in the fields of GIS data modelling, spatial data representation and storage in spatial databases, together with wireless Internet communications, it is becoming more obvious that the requirements for developing a real time road traffic information system are being met. This paper focuses on building a data model for traffic representation with support from the current free GIS resources, open source technologies and spatial databases. Community-created GIS maps can be used for easily populating an infrastructure model with accurate data; the spatial search features of relational databases can be used to map a given GPS position to the previously created network; open source ORM packages can be employed in mediating live traffic feeds into the model. A testing mechanism will be devised in order to verify the feasibility of the solution, considering performance %K data model %K GIS %K spatial database %K open source technologies %U http://www.dbjournal.ro/archive/3/6_Alex_Siromascenko.pdf