%0 Journal Article %T PL/SQL and Bind Variable: the two ways to increase the efficiency of Network Databases %A Hitesh KUMAR SHARMA %A Ranjit BISWAS %A Faridabad Aditya SHASTRI %J Database Systems Journal %D 2011 %I Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies Publishing House %X Modern data analysis applications are driven by the Network databases. They are pushing traditional database and data warehousing technologies beyond their limits due to their massively increasing data volumes and demands for low latency. There are three major challenges in working with network databases: interoperability due to heterogeneous data repositories, proactively due to autonomy of data sources and high efficiency to meet the application demand. This paper provides the two ways to meet the third challenge of network databases. This goal can be achieved by network database administrator with the usage of PL/SQL blocks and bind variable. The paper will explain the effect of PL/SQL block and bind variable on Network database efficiency to meet the modern data analysis application demand. %K Network Database %K Web Application %K Bind Variable %K PL/SQL %K Middleware %U http://www.dbjournal.ro/archive/6/2_Sharma_Biswas_Shastri.pdf