%0 Journal Article %T Optimization of Data Requests Timing by Working with Matrixes under MSAccess Environment %A Alexandru ATOMEI %J Database Systems Journal %D 2010 %I Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies Publishing House %X This paper is going to emphasize an optimised code in order to manage matrix calculus under MSAccess. The economic impact of using such a method is the optimal cost-benefit solution, and optimised timing for data management. As well, matrix calculus is the base of Variance-Covariance method used by financial corporations as an advanced method for estimation of market risk movements with direct impact over the capital required by prudential bodies. %K Visual Basic %K DAO (Data Access Objects) Recordset %K System DSN (Data Source Name) driver %K Variance-Covariance Matrix %K Value at Risk %U http://www.dbjournal.ro/archive/1/1_3_Atomei_Alexandru.pdf